April 24, 2008

itechWorks in New-Media-Ranking 2008

itechWorks among the most successful New-Media-Service companies in Germany

In 2007 itechWorks made it to the top 200 most successful New-Media-Service companies in Germany.

The Jury took notice because of our continuous efforts to deliver innovative solutions (e.g. creating the technological basis for SPOX.com) and our absolute striving for customer satisfaction.

Consequently we were awarded as a member of the elite of Germany's top New-Media-Service companies. Leading members of this group are companies like T-Systems, Sapient or SinnerSchrader.

A remarkable fact is: itechWorks had the overall project responsibility for the SPOX.com project and Plan.Net the leading design agency. Plan.Net is ranked position 7. The world of exclusive service is smaller than expected.

We are very happy about this honoring. A perfect moment to congratulate our team members and thank our customers for placing so much confidence in us.